From manual machines to automatic robots: The evolution of Arcos

From manual machines to automatic robots: The evolution of Arcos

A company is also developed thanks to the advancement of the innovation of the processing and machinery used for the production of its products.

In particular, the expansion in the world of robotics has revolutionized the application of surface processing on various types of materials, including metals.
How did the transition from manual machines to automatic robots happen? And what are the advantages? Let’s see in detail the experience of Arcos.

The introduction of robotic automation within industrial realities has made it possible to intensify production, reduce waste and ensure high product quality.

The precision with which robotic systems operate, in fact, guarantees to match and overcome the human work: manual machines become an outdated and limiting means for business growth. Thanks to automatic robots, the work is carried out 24h non-stop for a greater production of elements, the risk of making mistakes is greatly limited thanks to a stable and safe control of the processes. In addition, it improves the working environment for employees who have the ability to perform activities safer and more challenging, compared to those dangerous and monotonous that are assigned to robots.

This technological evolution has been manifested step by step also in the way of operating of Arcos.

Arcos: a history of over 60 years

If we had asked Michele Bettinzoli, founder of Arcos and father of the current CEO Piergiorgio Bettinzoli, where he would have expected to see Arcos in 60 years?. He certainly would never have imagined finding his company to compete, locally and globally, with the largest reality of the sector.

The journey to this point has been full of challenges and opportunities.

The beginnings: high quality manual machines

Arcos was founded in 1965 as manufacturer of manual machines for polishing and grinding. This choice was dictated by the market need to have new, more robust, flexible and reliable machinery that could support the large amount of work created with the post-war economic recovery.

The company immediately entered the market with products considered top of the range: Arcos has always invested in product quality by creating a brand that conveyed safety and professionalism, although the price was not competitive with other companies. This choice turned out to be a winning one and in a few years the Arcos brand was present in all the largest Italian cleanings.

Having at its disposal a very vast customer portfolio, Arcos was able to deal with companies of different sectors, thus developing a 360-degree knowledge of the sector. Knowing the materials and the critical issues of the product, the Brescia-based company has also been able to integrate support and assistance for the process into its service, in order to advise customers on the abrasives and work tools suitable for their needs.

“The way for Arcos has been traced by its customers and our desire to satisfy their requests.” Luigi Sabotti, Plant Director of Arcos.

The 2000s: the robotic turning point

Once Arcos became a partner of many Italian companies, with the advent of the new millennium, production standards took a radical turn. The introduction of robotics and the revolution of the corporate image as a clean, sustainable and safe work environment have paved the way for new horizons.

Italian entrepreneurs, driven by the automotive example, have begun to consider solutions that would allow them to achieve greater efficiency, quality and safety. When the science of automation began to take on a clear and defined physiognomy, and its benefits became palpable, Italian companies began to migrate towards these innovative processes.

For these reasons, Arcos also began to offer a service that would be perfect for new corporate targets.

In 2002 the first robotic cell was created and since then the development has never stopped.  With more than 700 systems installed all over the world, Arcos has been able to channel its knowledge to offer products capable of satisfying customer needs.

A relationship of trust

One of Arcos’ purposes has always been to advise and offer the best to its customers.

The challenge was to show its customers of manual machines the direction in which the new technologies were pointing, in order not to lose the significant competitive advantage that innovation offers.

This path has made it possible to create a relationship of loyalty with its customers who, working with Arcos for more than 60 years, have revolutionized their realities and created satisfying work environments for their employees, offering ever better products and services.


To stay competitive within your market it is essential to keep up with technological innovations.

The advent of robotic systems, efficient and performing more every year, has also revolutionized the surface processing sector and has stimulated the transition from manual machines to automatic robots. Manual machines, although they perform an optimal job through the operator’s experience, do not guarantee the enormous benefits of automatic robots. Through robotic systems, in fact, working times have no limits, production increases and pieces have fewer and fewer errors. The operator has the opportunity to carry out more stimulating tasks, in a safe and controlled environment.

Arcos has been working alongside companies for years to insert the best solutions based on individual needs. If you wish to receive a personalized consultation from a professional in the sector, contact us: our team is ready to help you.


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