Robot grinding: discover all the applications | Arcos

Robot grinding: discover all the applications | Arcos

More and more companies decide to invest in grinding robot and the reasons are clear. The use of automated systems for surface finishing allows a significant reduction in production times and guarantees a perfectly worked product. The optimization of the finishing process derives from the reduction of the cycle time and the waste that are produced.

In this article we will talk about the grinding robot, with concrete examples of Arcos applications in various areas of its customers.

Metal grinding involves grinding the surface of a piece made by melting processes, plastic deformation (cold or hot), additive manufacturing techniques and/or leaving machining centers.

This process is performed using abrasive belts of various grain sizes, in combination with different contact wheels that can be suitable for articles of different geometries. In this way you will get a perfectly smooth surface, ready to move on to the next step, called polishing.

The grinding phase is one of the most important operations in metalworking in a mechanical workshop and is involved precisely in the finishing of the material. In this phase, the operator must obtain a uniform and perfect work surface for subsequent processing. By automating the grinding process, however, the robotic cell ensures that the metal reaches the required roughness, saving the operator the task of carrying out a costly and dangerous operation.

The immediate benefits of robotic automation

This process can, in fact, be carried out on manual machines (with the precious contribution of highly specialized personnel) or automatically on robotic cells.

Robotic automation not only leads to better results but is also cost-effective and time-saving.

The robotic cells made by Arcos are designed to meet the needs of each customer, regardless of the reference production sector. Robotic systems can always be reprogrammed to amortize the company’s investment as much as possible.

The main applications of the grinding robot

To better understand how and when it is possible to use robots for metal grinding, we will deepen below some applications carried out by Arcos during its long experience.

Each application includes a diversified scope and object in processing, always guaranteeing excellent results.

Each of the robotic cells is designed by the internal research and development department, applying experience and experimenting with cutting-edge solutions in the field. Customer service is always available for any changes to programming and maintenance, even after the purchase.

W400 Prosthesis grinding – medical

Arcos has developed automated solutions that guarantee maximum precision in the handling of femoral prostheses of different materials (chromium, cobalt and titanium). The systems have ample margins for customization to satisfy every type of need, starting with the ideal configuration that guarantees the vast majority of grinding and satin finishing processes.

Arcos machines have the following characteristics:

  • A compact robotic cell.
  • Precision grinding, precision deburring and surface finishes.
  • Simplified programming.
  • Maximum operator safety.

W391 Solder removal

Arcos provides automated robotic deburring systems that can optimize operations and minimize cycle times by replacing labor. Removal of the weld is usually the initial stage of preparation for grinding and polishing.

Different weld removal solutions can be used depending on the geometric complexity of the part and the desired result of the deburring process:

  1. Removal with abrasive belts: the abrasive power of the tool in relation to welding is exploited with the aid of suitable belts.
  2. Precision removal tools are mainly used for precision removal procedures. Precision carbide tools are placed on electric or pneumatic rotating spindles. The procedure may occasionally require the use of multiple tools during the various deburring processes; in these circumstances, the robotic system provides an automated tool change magazine.

W371 grinding gun barrels – weapons

Arcos offers its robot grinding service for various sectors, including the weapons sector. This includes all items that come from the production and development of military equipment and technology. Arcos projects include gun barrels, pistols, silencers, rifle butts and anything that can be automated.

As you can see from this video, its high-tech systems allow high-quality, fast and simple work.

W377 sanding of wooden details

A recent application we want to highlight is wood sanding.

A robot cell for sanding wooden details has been developed which, thanks to the compensation system patented by Arcos, is able to apply the same pressure / force throughout the process.

The resulting advantages are numerous:

  • Better sanding quality.
  • Ability to smooth complex surfaces.
  • Possibility to program the speed (just a few points are enough to define a trajectory, then the robot “tunes” it through force sensors).
  • Greater flexibility.

W264 chair base grinding – furniture

How is the finishing of the office chair base done?

With this you can remove all burrs around the product. The most modern industries have begun to insert robotic systems in their production departments capable of automating and enhancing the classic and high quality Italian production methods for the production of chair bases, particularly appreciated in the world.

The conversion of a production sector that invests in automated production guarantees immediate benefits for the company that started it, such as: precision, product uniformity, process acceleration, energy saving, optimization of the work of the company’s professional and technical staff.

This finishing method is particularly suitable for achieving maximum precision and obtaining an even surface without edges.


Thanks to the grinding robot it is possible to work the surfaces of multiple metals reaching the desired level of roughness. One of the main advantages of robotic systems is the ability to customize the cell according to the individual needs of each reality. In addition, the applications of the grinding robot range in many areas: from medical, to furniture, to the weapons sector with consistently excellent results and unparalleled performance.

Arcos’ commitment is precisely to design and build the best industrial automation systems to meet the surface finishing needs of its customers. Supervision is given before, during and after the insertion of a machine within the company context through available and timely on-site or remote assistance.

Would you like a personalized consultation? Contact us and you will speak directly with an Arcos consultant.


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