How to manage surface finishing robots: rely on Arcos training

How to manage surface finishing robots: rely on Arcos training

More and more companies are choosing to rely on the efficiency of robots to elevate and optimize production performance in surface finishing. The advantages are undisputed: downtime is reduced, output is increased, quality remains high while the operator can devote himself to less alienating and safer tasks.

One of the fears that holds many companies back from taking this important step, on the other hand, is the limited knowledge they have of the robot world. Often there is a fear of introducing technology that is too advanced for them to handle on their own, thinking of proceeding with an investment that is too risky. Aware of this difficulty, for years Arcos specialists have been accompanying the transformation of companies that decide to implement this fundamental step for the innovation of their business: from the moment of the start-up of the order through introductory training, to ongoing assistance over time to support the company in any doubts or jams.

What kind of training is provided and what are the main steps to follow? How does it become possible to manage surface finishing robots within one’s reality? We discuss this in this in-depth discussion through the process developed, tested and proposed by Arcos, to offer the right awareness to any company eager to become part of the technological change with state-of-the-art robotic systems.

When a company requests and purchases its own robotic system tailored to its specific needs, it is essential that a person be arranged to follow the machine.

It can be a profile that has already had experience in this field, or a reliable employee for the reality that can start training on programming and the world of robots. For those who should not have basic notions, Fanuc, a leading company in robotics and with which Arcos has been collaborating for years, provides programming courses to approach people who are neophytes to the field: many courses are free access, others more specialized can still be taken online.

After the initial notions have been acquired, targeted training is carried out

Even before the machine is ready and after gaining basic programming knowledge, the operations person who will follow the machine can deepen his or her knowledge of robots through a one or two-week course with Arcos specialists. Technicians explain the principle of the machine and programming, with a focus on the system that will become part of the company’s production cycle.

The testing of the machine

Once the machine is ready, before it is shipped to the parent company, an initial testing is carried out at Arcos headquarters under the supervision of the operating person in charge. At this stage, the machine is seen as it processes the customer company’s parts and every detail is checked so that there is certainty that everything is working and there are no problems. This allows the operator to fully understand the operation of the machine and to be able to get into the depth of each of its mechanisms.

Testing is carried out in an initial inspection phase at Arcos headquarters, then by the customer. After the first testing, in fact, disassembly of the machine takes place and it is re-installed by the customer following the same steps.

Robotic machine comes to the enterprise

Having precisely completed the initial testing and delivered the machine to the customer site, the operator will benefit from the in-depth knowledge of the machine after the weeks of training held. Here the machine will again see the installation phase with Arcos technicians who can teach even more specific notions to the operator, without starting from scratch, for a valuable addition to the training in place.

Training completed, assistance continues

Just as the client company has arranged for a person dedicated to the machine, similarly Arcos provides two contact persons who follow the entire life of the system: from its creation, to testing, to final installation. One of the contact persons is a specialized mechanic for design, assembly, and installation; the other contact person, on the other hand, is an expert in robotics to take care of all the programming part.

The moment the training ends and the machine is followed in total autonomy by the client company, the two referents are always totally available for any doubt or malfunction with dedicated assistance.

Each Arcos system provides a remote connection that allows remote connection from a computer for complete access to the robot. Any electrical faults can thus be corrected in a short time, with rapid and precise intervention.  In the event of mechanical faults, on the other hand, Arcos contact persons will reach the customer site as soon as possible to ensure proper machine operation.

Even your company can run a robotic system for unparalleled efficiency

How to manage a surface finishing robot autonomously? Years of experience and continuous updates on the world of robots make Arcos extremely aware of the needs present in this sector and, above all, of the unparalleled potential that these systems offer companies. For this reason, every project is followed with the utmost attention, to ensure your company has all the safety, peace of mind and training you need. The benefits of this choice, then, are clear from the first use of the new finishing system.

Would you like to introduce a robotic system capable of optimizing production in your reality? Talk to one of the Arcos technicians: he will find the solution best suited to your needs, accompanying you step by step throughout the process.


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